I’m Charles LaBelle

I’m a husband and father, first and foremost.

As a professional coach (ICF ACC), I have worked with thousands of professionals in the various stages of career progression on career transition and acceleration, leadership skills development, and strategies on finding purpose and realizing potential.

As a Learning & Development Senior Executive, I employ learning strategies that use people development as a strategic lever to produce the results targeted by the CEO’s and the company’s strategic business plans.

Coaching & Consulting Credentials:

  • INSEAD Executive Master in Change (Wave 40)
  • 6+ years as Career Advisor and Coach for INSEAD MBAs, Executive MBAs, Master in Management, and Alumni
  • 4 years working with private clients: Executives, Corporate Associates, Entrepreneurs, & Business school students
  • Opened my private practice in 2020 – coached 100+ Executives in F500 companies & Students in top business school programs
  • Senior Executive leading teams in Career Education and Corporate L&D
  • MBA/MiM Dual Degree with University of Kansas and École Supérieure de Commerce – Clermont-Ferrand
  • ACC ICF Certification
  • Accredited with AoEC
  • INSEAD Management Acceleration Program (Apr’18) and 5 additional ExecEd programs
  • Completed every Harvard ManageMentor and Mind Gym workout suite of professional development tools
  • Senior Executive Experience in Academia, Pharmaceuticals, FMCG, Fashion, and Luxury with SMEs and Multinational Corporates
  • 100s of Workshops & Seminars delivered
  • Executive Leadership in Learning & Development serving global audiences of more than 700k learners.

I’m passionate about connecting people, building communities, and hearing the stories that are behind the scenes.

I believe in empowering and inspiring the individual, honest and direct feedback, and building long-lasting trust.

Are you ready to work together?

Click below to connect for your free introductory call.